
Fall Semester 2024

Sep 27   The 1903 Wright Flyer - Terry Malarkey

Oct 25  The Robots are Coming!  But When?--Josh Hall

Nov 1 Have You Seen the Stars Tonight?--Richard Dyer

Nov 8  Data Data Everywhere--How Telecoms use it--Sandy Hall

Dec 6  Medicine--A Fifty Year Perspective--Art Fournier

Dec 13   Fusion: The Energy of the Future!--But When?--Josh Hall

Spring Semester 2024

Feb 2  Cell Phone Technology.  Terry Malarkey

Feb 9   Dark

Feb 16  The American Civil War, Slavery, and Cotton.  Al McKegg

Feb 23  Dark

Mar 1  Energy!!! And a little climate.  Josh Hall

Mar 8 Marine Drones.  Joe Betit

Mar 15  Concorde SST.  Janet Rochester & Terry Malarkey

Mar 22 Updates on the Metabolic Health Movement.  John Durmick

Mar 29  Bush Medicine; Empiric Pharmacology.  Art Fournier

Apr 5   Digital Art: Sparking Creativity and Innovation.  John Antoine Labadie

Apr 12  What's Eating You? Ticks!  Marilyn Ailes

Apr 19  Confessions of a Jaded Recycler: Can We Make a Difference?  Sue Mastyl

Apr 26 Overshoot in the Anthropocene, Update.  John Durmick

Autumn 2023 (Note New Time Slot)                                                                                                       

Oct. 6 - Terry Malarkey - Single Malt Scotch Whiskey

Oct. 13 - David Poyer - Writing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Oct. 27 - Terry Malarkey:  On the Home Front;  WWII and a London Suburb. And Ukraine.

Nov. 3 - Dave DiBetta - Reflections as an Agent at the Siege at Waco or Dave Was There Too.

Nov. 10 -  Art Fournier - Death Sentence:  "Cruel and Unusual" Medical Treatment of the Imprisoned.

Nov. 17 - Josh Hall - Nanotechnology, the next Industrial Revolution

Dec. 1 - Mark Nuckols - WW-I in Literature and Film

Dec 8 - Josh Hall - Where is my Robot Butler? (A Stroll through the Landscape of Cybernetics)

Spring 2023                                                                                                       

Jan. 13 - Catherine Kehrig:  The Art of Ancient Egypt.

Jan. 20 - Josh Hall:  The Greatest Science Fiction Story.

Jan. 27 - John Durmick: A Brief History of Industrial Food, Part 1, Origins

Feb. 10 - Gaylen & Dana Garrett: Getting to Know You & Preserving Your Roots; Family History 

Feb. 17 - John Durmick:  A Brief History of Industrial Food, Part 2, "Big Ag"

Feb. 24 - Dave Drummond:  Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Mar. 3 - John Durmick:  A Brief History of Industrial Food, Part 3, "Big Food"

Mar. 10 - Josh Hall:  ChatGPT: Revolutionizing the way we interact with machines

Mar. 17 - Tim Smith:  The Chamberlain Key Revisited.

Mar. 31 - Sharon Osborn: Wrangling Marvelous Monarchs;  How We Can help Them Multiply.

Apr. 7 - Terry Malarkey: Induction Cooktops; What, Why, & How.

Apr. 21 - Art Fournier:  Metabolic Syndrome: The Silent Scourge of Civilization!

Apr. 28 - Tony Picardi:  Letters From a Rotten Log

May 5 - Janet Rochester:  A Walk through the Plant Kingdom

May. 19 - Dave Drummond:  Submarines: A to Z.

Jun. 2 - Mark Nuckols:   The Slavs, the Balkans, and WW I.

Fall 2022                                                                                                       

Art Fournier:  The Telehealth Revolution and COVID-19

 Dave Drummond:  The Gold Ship(Wreck) of 1851

Joe Chaddic:  From Bootlegger to Diplomat;  40 Years in the Foreign Service.

Sandy & Ken Schultz: Hurricane Ian - An (Almost) First-Hand Experience

Terry Malarkey:  On the Home Front;  WWII and a London Suburb.

Ed Murdy:  The Galapagos Islands - A stark, lovely, inhospitable and welcoming evolution laborator

Josh Hall:  Last Man on the Moon

Fall, 2021

Terry Malarkey - On the Home Front: A London Suburb and WW-I

Terry Malarkey - Single Malt Scotch Whiskey

John Durmick - Overshoot in the Anthropocene: Part 1, The Human Footprint in the 21st Century (Updated)

Art Fournier - Theodicy Kreyol- good, bad, and evil in Haiti, 2005- 2021​

John Durmick - Overshoot in the Anthropocene: Part 2: The Future of Oil

Kristine Marcy / Ed Murdy - Shore U - What's Next?

John Durmick - Overshoot in the Anthropocene: Part 3: The Economics of "The Great Acceleration

Paul Ewell - The New Grinch: Pandemic Logistics

Spring 2016

Jack Cranford - Survival in Cold Water

Art Fournier - When Medical Treatment is Futile

Laura Vaughan - The story of the Barrier Islands Center

Mau VanDuren - Prequel to the US Constitution

Alan Silverman - Apotheosis of  Abraham Lincoln

Joe Betit - Geospatial Surveying for the Washington Metro

Art Schwartzschild - Linking Ecological Observations with Art and Science

Marilyn Ailes - Invasive Alien Plant Species

Terry Malarkey - London during World War II

MaryKay Mulligan - Dealing with Grief

Catherine Kehrig - Windsor Castle and The British Royalty

Robert Paschall - Disorders of Memory

John Schulz - The Iran Nuclear Treaty

Martin Freed - Einstein's Theories of Relativity

Ruth Baskerville - The Hoodless Klan

Fall 2015

Ed Murdy -Fishes of Chesapeake Bay

Lee Jordan-Anders = Clara Schumann - A Life in Music

Ina Burch = Project Horizon - Turning Potential into Acheivemant

Jacqueline Colledge - International Trade Treatys - Why the Controversy

Serge Dihoff - Rotary International Peace Fellowship Program

Diana LoVecchio - New Eastern Shore Hospital Update

Dudley Rochester - Preparing for End of Life

Catherine Kehrig - Life in Ancient Egypt

Jay Ford - Chicken Farming Expansion on the Eastern Shore

Spring 2015

Ron West - Eastern Shore Ferries

George Budd - Birds of the Eastern Shore

Bob Paschal - Traumatic Brain Injury

George Foster - Fruit Horticulture on the Eastern Shore

Lloyd Kellam - Contemporary Issues in Cardiology

Janet Givens - Peace Corps Memories from Kazakhstan

Josh Hall - Nanotechnology

Russell Vreeland - Microbes in Extreme Environments

Ed Bull - Treating Peripheral Neuropathy

John Bulette et al. - Addiction Panel Discussion

Pat Coady - Local Investing Methods

Jim Mason - Factory Farms - Ethics vs. Economics

Kim Lin - Modern Skyscrapers Design and Construction

Donna Bozza - CBES - Plans and Programs

Paul Rochmis - Uric Acid - Implications for Evolution and Health

Sandy & Ken Schultz - Suwanee River - Geology, Flora and Fauna

Fall 2014

Art Fournier Metabolic Syndrome

Orest Pelech Secular Religion

Jay Ford Empathy and Ethics

Joe Valentine Chesapeake Bay Log Canoes

Cathy Tignor Victorian Architecture

Diana LoVecchio New Hospital Plans

Martin Freed Oceanic Blooms

Michael Male Photographing Snowy Owls

Kellee Greene Blake Weary of War - ESVA in 1864

Spring 2014

Josh Hall Where's My Flying Car

John Schulz Songs from a Distant Cockpit

Jack Cranford Energy Conservation in Alpine Animals

Jay Ford Permaculture & Forest Farming

Ethington & Fisk Antares Rockets to the Space Station

Ken Schultz Red Drum on the Eastern Shore

Art Fournier HIV - A Smart Virus

MaryKay Mulligan As Time Goes By

M. Freed & R Vaskys Alaska: The 49th State - Myth and Reality

Terry Malarkey London During and Post WW2

Russell Vreeland How Did Life Arise

Ruta Vaskys My Immigrant Roots

Josh Hall Cold Fusion

Orest Pelech The Crisis in Ukraine

Tony Picardi Culture and Fabrics in Vietnam

Fall 2013

Chris Moore Water Quality, Fish and Shellfish in the Chesapeake

Art Fournier Vodou Saints – Life, Death & Resurrection in Haiti

Terry Malarkey Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Ursula Deitch Trends in Agriculture on the Eastern Shore

Russell Vreeland Evolution vs. Creation: Seriously

Marilyn Ailes Phragmites

Bill Stilwagen Gun Control - Is it about Guns or Control?

Mike Zohab Sovereigns - Domestic Terrorist Groups

Paul Rochmis Gout from 2600 BC to Today

Kellee Green Blake The War, the Shore and Christmas in 1863

Spring 2013

Russell Vreeland Honey Bees

Terry Malarkey The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk

Joe Bongiovanni Rational Case for Monetary Reform

Jack Ordeman F. W. Benson: American Artist

Bob Paschall Advances in Neurology

Wade Broughman The New Hospital in Onancock

Linda Schulz Early-childhood Education

Judge J. Fulton Drug Courts

John Bulette Addiction

Terry Malarkey Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Catherine Kehrig Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

Paul Ewell Evolution of Virginia Boats

Bob Mayes Information Shadows

Matt Cormons Roadside Flowers

Nancy Kupar-Page Ukrainian Traditional Egg-painting

Dave Burden Shorekeepers Coastal Monitoring Program

Josh Hall Agent-Based Robotics

Fall 2012

Glen Winters Bizet's Pearl Fishers

Marilyn Ailes Environmental Hazards - Nasty Critters

Wes Brown Epigenetics

Martin Freed Oceanographic Modeling

MaryKay Mulligan George Mead / Social Psychology

Paul Rochmis Osteoporosis

John Schulz Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

Geo. Reiger & K.Schultz Striped Bass

Jack Cranford Bats

Tony Picardi Costa Rican Wildlife

Jerry Sovitch Oil Exploration and Life in the Oil Patch

Spring 2012

Doug Arvidsen Traditional Navigation in the Pacific

Tony Picardi Drought in the Sahel - 1968

Russell Vreeland Survival of Microbes in Space

Joe Bongiovanni Restoring the Lost Science of Money

Carolyn McGavock Eastern Shore Butterfly Gardening

John Bulette Cultural Trauma

Josh Hall Ethics for Machines

John Schulz Afghanistan: Then and Now

Kim Lin Three Gorges Dam Environmental Impacts

Terry Malarkey Lightning

Henry Kurbin Advances in Preventative Medicine

Sandy & Ken Schultz Kayaking the Delaware River

Libby Norris C.B.F. Agricultural Stewardship Program

George Reiger Potomac River Commission

Susan Brown Biology of Aging

Roy Lock Tanzanian Groundnuts Caper

Fall 2011

Pasquale Petrera Current Practices in Orthopedic Surgery

Caleb Fowler Building a Passively Efficient House

Joseph Donahue Wind Energy Overview

George Reiger 1969 Paris Peace Talks - Behind the Scenes

Lana McKinzie Darwin Updated

John Schulz 20th Century Media Revolution

Michael Zohab America's War on Drugs

Jennifer Johnsen Mindfulness

Sandy & Ken Schultz Kayaking the Na Pali Coast

Spring 2011

Terry Malarkey London in World War II

Roxanne Wolf Sex, Lies and the Ugly Truth: HIV in 2011

Sharyn McQuaid Landscaping with Edible Plants

George Foster Organic Fruit Horticulture

MaryKay Mulligan Sociology of Retirement

Alan Silverman Wind Power

Steve Johnsen Modern Piracy

Geoff Gubb Lyme Disease

Sue Mastyl A Solar Powered Home

Amb. Robert Keeley Politics and Economics in Greece

Orest Pelech Research Universities

Sandy Schultz America's Oldest Suspension Bridge

Nancy Stern Health Services on the Eastern Shore

Al Picardi Colonial Era Piracy on the Eastern Shore

Roy Lock Cuban Missile Crisis

Janet Rochester Grand Canyon